Welcome to Kindermusik at Milford Square Music Studio

Kindermusik is a community of families and educators passionately committed to bringing music to children's lives through developmentally appropriate curricula, CDs, books, instruments, and activities.

Our Facebook page is here...


Kindermusik's philosophy is founded upon rigorous research and our fundamental beliefs:

•A parent or loving caregiver is a child’s first and most important teacher.

•All children are musical.

•The home is the most important learning environment.

•Music nurtures a child's cognitive, emotional, social, language, and physical development.

•Children flourish in a child-centered environment where activities are developmentally appropriate.

•Educators value the learning process—not the performance—of music making.

•Every child should experience the joy, fun, and learning that music brings to life.

Read more at the Kindermusik site
